Tuesday, December 30, 2014

christmas {2014}

we headed south to la for the holiday.  all three of my brothers and sister-in-law flew in from various ports, so my parents, kevin, lily, & i caravanned down to meet them at my uncle's house.  it was so wonderful to have the holiday with everyone around, to see lily moving around to her various aunts, uncles, and cousins, and having so much fun being spoiled.  the only downside was that lily had a reoccurrence with nursemaid's elbow, so we spent a couple hours in urgent care getting that taken care of.  woohoo.  afterwards, we went to my aunt donna and uncle george's house for a klima/mcleary christmas afternoon, so it worked out pretty well.  all in all, it was gorgeous weather and a good time was had by all.  and santa managed to find us, even in la!

road tripping in style

lounging with uncle chris

playing catch with uncle chris & uncle ben.
lily kept yelling, "again. again."  i'm pretty sure she's a daredevil.

mornings with grandma

spinning with grandpa

uncle ben gave lily "the night before christmas"
and read it to her on christmas eve.  they were so cute together.

uncle george believes in being festively attired.

an actual spinning toy, courtesy of grandma and grandpa.
this was her favorite thing to find on christmas morning.

this is how my uncle's family does breakfast on christmas morning.
it was a little overwhelming.

uncle jeff and aunt kerry gave her a cabbage patch kid.
i have the same one! (my grandma gave it to me when i was four or five)

chris has a dog named dizzy.  my uncle's wife, stephanie, loves her and
was heartbroken when chris moved dizzy to ohio with him.  so for christmas,
stephanie received a blanket with a very large dizzy on it.  it was a hit.

lily loves a kazoo

some serious side-eye.

arguing with uncle jeff about who the "silly goose" is.
i'm pretty sure it's a tie. 

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